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Tell us what you need

Post your requirement to get the best deals from our wide network of verified suppliers

Receive seller details

The contact information of the most suitable suppliers will be sent to your registered email address and mobile number.

Get the best deals

Providing precise details about the product will enable us to offer you the most accurate and competitive quote.

Post Requirement

Contact Details

Any trouble? Call us at +91-8448054704

Buyer's Benefits

Why you should buy from us?

We are a dedicated industrial scrap and "unwanted material" platform and close all deals within 48hrs to your utmost satisfaction. You have full control to whom to Buy or Sell and on your payment terms. We can get financial help upto 1Cr depending on your financial rating.


Client Satisfaction


Active Users


Quality of Materials


Best Market Rates

How's our Process

Why you choose our Service

Three step process to make buying easy for you

Post Your Requirements

Clearly outline the type, grade, quantity, and any other relevant details. This step acts as a beacon for potential sellers who have the exact materials you're seeking.

Get Inquiries/Deals from Best Sellers

The platform's advanced algorithms match your requirements with the best-suited sellers, streamlining the process of finding the ideal metal scrap.

Close the Deal

Finalize the terms, including pricing, quantity, and any additional conditions. Once both parties are satisfied, proceed to close the deal securely within Scrapzo's platform.

Sell on Marketplace


Grow your business

Sell to buyers anytime, anywhere.


Zero Cost

No commision or transaction fees.


Manage your business better

Lead Management System & other features

Get a free listing in these simple steps

Step 1

Create an Account

Add your name and phone number to get started.

Step 2

Add Business

Add name, address & e-mail of your company, store/ business.

Step 3

Add Products/Services

Add minimum 3 products/ services for your free listing page and start selling.


What People Say

Sanjay Aggarwal

Managing Director, RIL Industries

Scrapzo made our scrap sourcing a breeze! Posting our requirements was a snap, and we quickly connected with top sellers. The direct negotiation and secure transactions ensure a seamless experience. Scrapzo is now our go-to for quality materials!

Suresh Pal

Owner, Pal Enterprises

Scrapzo transformed our supplier search. Posting needs brought quick responses from trusted sellers. Smooth negotiations and secure transactions make it our preferred platform for all scrap requirements.